Mission Mountain Zen is a community of Soto Zen Buddhist practitioners, located in northwest Montana. We want to make this Zen mindfulness practice, of returning and waking up to our true nature, available to everyone.
The guiding teacher is Zenku Jerry Smyers, a Dharma Teacher in both the Soyu Matsuoka and Shohaku Okumura Soto Zen Lineages. Coming soon (Links to Zenku’s dharma talks in written, audio, and video form.)
The Mission Mountain Zen Center is located at Zenku’s home at 25364 Old US Highway 93, Dayton, Montana.
Contact Zenku at Jerry.Smyers@gmail.com for questions and Zoom invitation link.
Tuesday’s Weekly 7:00am – 8:30am MT Zen Practice and Morning Service
Wednesday’s Weekly 6:00pm – 7:30pm MT Meditation and Dharma Discussion
We have Special Services Celebrating Buddhist Holidays, during the year, that includes Zazen, Special Service and Dharma talk. See the Events and Calendar pages for dates and more information.
We also offer Meditation Retreats (one day and weekend (zazenkai), and 5 day meditation retreats (sesshin) throughout the year. See the Events and Calendar pages for dates and more information.
Newcomers and everyone are always welcome. Contact Zenku at the email address or phone number below to get on the weekly email list getting Zoom links access, and reminding everyone of upcoming events.
Please send your email information to Zenku at Jerry.Smyers@gmail.com to get on the weekly email communication list.
- The weekly email will confirm the meditation plans for the coming week.